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Be Happy.
Be Healthy.
Be Fulfilled.

Be Well & Create


Finally, live a lifestyle that makes you

happy from the inside out.  


Are you struggling with who you are?

What you’re meant to do?

Do you ever wake up and think: 

“What’s next?” or “Is this it?” 

Or, maybe, you want to chase your dreams,

but just aren’t sure what those dreams are…

Then, Holistic Dharma Coaching may be for you!  

Holistic Dharma Coaching


"Go to where your soul leads you, and you will never be wrong."

- Cathrine Goldstein

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What is Dharma?

Dharma is our life’s purpose and the reason we are here on earth. It's our life’s calling.

Everyone has a unique talent. When we use this unique talent to be of service to others, we are living in our dharma.

What People Say...


Working with Cathrine is like medicine! She is grounded, earthy, and connected. She has helped me in immeasurable ways.

Cathrine has that rare combination of being a Type A and Type B simultaneously! This combination helps me to stay on task and focus on my goals & dreams, but in a relaxed way.

I wish that I could work with Cathrine every day! One time per week is not enough for me. My job is high stress, and I look forward to her calming energy and helpful guidance every week. 



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